

Physics is the branch of science in which, we attempt to explain diverse physical phenomena in terms of a few concepts and laws. The effort is to see the physical world as manifestation of some universal laws in different domains and conditions.

Physical World

  * Introduction
  * Physics
  * Technology and Society
  * Fundamental Laws

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Units and Measurements

  * Introduction
  * Need for Measurement
  * Introduction of Units
  * System of Units
  * SI Units
  * Fundamental and Derived Units
  * Measurement of Length
  * Measurement of Mass
  * Measurement of Time
  * Accuracy and Precision Definition
  * Accuracy and Precison Measuring Instrument
  * Screw Guage
  * Least Count of Screw Guage
  * Vernier Calliper
  * Least Count of Vernier Calliper
  * Errors and its types
  * Least Count
  * Absolute Error, Relative Error and Percentage Error
  * Combination of Errors
  * Significant Figures
  * Numericals Based on Significant Figures
  * Introduction
  * Dimensions of Physical Quantities(Dimensions of Planks Constant, Gravitational Constant, Inductance, Capacitance, Permiability, Permitivitty , Force, Momentum, Torque, Work, Kinetic Energy, Pressure, Thermal Conductivity, Surface Tension, Youngs Modulus, Angular Momentum, Elementary Charge (e), Boltzmann Constant)
  * Dimensions Formulae and Dimensional Equations
  * Dimensional Analysis and Its Applications
  * Numericals Based on Consistency of Dimensional Equation
  * Numerical Based on Relations among Physical Quantities

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Basics of Mathematics

  * Definition of Physical Quantity
  * Types of Quantity and examples based on them
  * "Vectors and its Types (Zero Vector,Unit Vector Position Vector,Co-initial Vector,Like and UnlikeVectors,Co-planar Vector,Collinear Vector,Equal Vector,Displacement Vector,Negative of a Vector)"
  * Vector Addition
  * Vector Subtraction
  * Product of Two Vectors
  * Dot Product and Cross Product
  * Parallelogram Law
  * Resolution of Vectors
  * Numerical Based on Vector
  * Differentiation Introduction
  * Formulae of Differentiation
  * Uses of Differentiation for describing Motion
  * Integration Introduction
  * Formulae of Integration
  * Uses of Integration for describing Motion

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Motion in Straight Line

  * Definition of Rectilinear Motion
  * Distance and Displacement
  * Frame of Reference
  * Introduction
  * Average Velocity and Average Speed
  * Numerical Based on Average Velocity and Average Speed
  * Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
  * Numericals Based on Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
  * Graphical Explanation of Average Velocity and Average Speed
  * Graphical Explanation of Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
  * Problems Based on Differentiation formula of Velocity
  * Definition of Acceleration
  * Types of Acceleration
  * Graphical Explanation of Uniform and Non-uniform Acceleration
  * First Equation of Motion and its Derivation
  * Second Equation of Motion and its Derivation
  * Third Equation of Motion and its Derivation
  * Numericals Based on Equations of Motion
  * Graphical Explanation of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
  * Graphical Explanation of Free Fall Motion
  * Position-Time Graphs
  * Velocity-Time Graphs
  * Relative Velocity
  * Numericals Based on Relative Velocity
  * Problem Based on Free Fall of Body
  * Problem Based on Car's Speed
  * Problem Based on Escalator
  * Problem Based on Function of Distance ,Velocity
  * Problem Based on Calculation Human motion
  * Problem Based on Graphs for JEE Mains

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Motion in Plane

  * Concept of Vectors
  * Projectile Motion
  * Equation of Trajectory and its Derivation
  * Cases of Projectile Motion and their Derivation
  * Equation of Trajectory
  * Problem Based on Time of maximum height of Projectile
  * River - Boat Problems
  * Wind- Plane Problems
  * Rain - Man Problems
  * Roof - Ball Problems
  * Problems on Maximum Height

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Laws of Motion

  * Introduction
  * Force and Inertia
  * Newton’s First Law of Motion
  * Momentum
  * Newton’s Second Law of Motion
  * Concept of Momentum
  * Impulse; Newton’s Third Law of Motion
  * Numerical based on Laws
  * Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum(LCM)
  * Applications of LCM
  * Pulley Problems
  * Plank Problems
  * Rocket Problems
  * Bullet Problems
  * Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces
  * Introduction
  * Static and Kinetic Friction
  * Laws of Friction
  * Rolling Friction
  * Lubrication
  * Box and Trolley System Problems
  * Impulse
  * Introduction
  * Centripetal Force
  * Problem based on Motion of Car on Level road
  * Problem based on Motion of Car on Banked road
  * Centripetal Force and Its Applications
  * Motion of A Car And Horse And Cart
  * Apparent Weight

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Work, Energy and Power

  * Introduction
  * Work Done
  * Work Done by a Constant Force and a Variable Force
  * Work done by Gravity and Friction
  * Work done by area under force displacement graph
  * Definiton of Kinetic Energy
  * Work Energy Theorem
  * Work Energy Theorem for a Variable Force
  * Numerical Based on Work Energy Theorem
  * Concept of Potential Energy
  * Notions of Potential Energy
  * Potential Energy of Spring
  * Conservative Force
  * Numericals Based on Spring
  * Concept of Conservative Force and Non - Conservative Force
  * Conservation of Mechanical Energy
  * Derivation of Conservation of Mechanical Energy
  * Motion in a Verticle Circle
  * Problem Based on Motion in a Verticle Circle
  * Problems Based on Conservation of Energy
  * Problem Based on Motion of two Boxes
  * Problem Based on Graph which is function of Force
  * Problem Based on calculation of Coefficient of Restitution
  * Problem based on Box and spring compression
  * Problem based on Calculation of Work Done of spring compression
  * Various Forms of Energy
  * Type of Equilibrium
  * Introduction
  * Problem Based on Power Calculation
  * Definition of Elastic Collision and Inelastic Collision
  * Inelastic Collision in One Dimension
  * Inelastic Collision in Two Dimension
  * Problem Based on Head on Collision(boxes and Bullet-Box)

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Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion

  * Introduction
  * Motions of Rigid Body
  * Introduction To Cross Product And Its Applications
  * Introduction
  * COM of Rigid Body
  * COM of a Two particle System
  * COM of a Thin Rod
  * COM of a Triangular Lamina
  * COM of a Uniform L-Shaped Lamina
  * Motion of COM
  * Linear Momentum of System of Particles
  * Angular Velocity and its Relation with Linear Velocity
  * Angular Momentum of a Particle
  * Conservation of Angular Momentum
  * Introduction to Torque
  * Rotational Law of Acceleration
  * Angular Momentum and Torque for a System of Particles
  * Problem Based on Torque
  * Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
  * Principle of Moment
  * Centre of Gravity
  * Reaction Forces
  * Problem Based on Centre of Gravity
  * Introduction
  * Radius of Gyration
  * MOI of Thin Circular Ring
  * MOI of Thin Rod
  * MOI of Circular Disc
  * MOI of Hollow Cylinder
  * MOI of Solid Cylinder
  * Theorems of Perpendicular Axes
  * Theorems of Parallel Axes
  * MOI with the help of Theorems and Their Applications
  * Equation of Rotational Motion
  * Problem Based on Equation of Rotational Motion
  * Work Done by a Torque
  * Angular Momentum in case of Rotation about Fixed Axis
  * Rolling Motion
  * Rolling Motion of Disc
  * Kinetic Energy of Rolling Motion
  * Problem Based on Kinetic Energy of Rolling Body

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  * Introduction
  * Kepler's Laws
  * Introduction
  * Universal Law of Gravitation
  * Gravitational Constant
  * Acceleration Due to Gravity of the Earth
  * Acceleration Due to Gravity Below and Above The Surface of Gravity   * Gravitational Field & Gravitational Potential
  * Calculation of Gravitational Field & Gravitational Potential
  * Examples to Calculate Potential Energy
  * Car Problems for JEE Mains
  * Planet and Satellite Problems for JEE Mains
  * Two Spherical Body Problems for JEE Mains
  * Escape Speed
  * Introduction
  * Energy of Orbiting Satellite
  * Orbital Velocity of a Satellite
  * Geostationary Satellite
  * Polar Satellite
  * Concept of Weightlessness

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Mechanical Properties of Solids

  * Introduction
  * Elastic Behaviour of SolidsMechanical Properties of Solids   * Introduction
  * Types of Stress
  * Strain
  * Stress - Strain Relationship
  * Hooke's Law
  * Stress - Strain CurveMechanical Properties of Solids   * Introduction
  * Young's Modulus
  * Determination of Young's Modulus of the Material of a Wire
  * Problem Based on Young's Modulus
  * Shear Modulus
  * Bulk Modulus
  * Modulus of Rigidity
  * Problem Based on Shear and Bulk ModulusMechanical Properties of Solids   * Poisson's Ratio
  * Elastic Potential Energy
  * Elastic Potential Energy in a Streched WireMechanical Properties of Solids
  * Application of Elastic Behaviour of MaterialsMechanical Properties of Solids
  * Problem Based on Rods
  * Problem Based on Wires

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Mechanical Properties of Fluids

  * Introduction   * Defintion of Pressure
  * Pascal's Law
  * Variation of Pressure with Depth
  * Atmospheric Pressure
  * Gauge Pressure
  * Hydraulic Machine
  * Streamline Flow
  * Equation of Continuity
  * Turbulent Flow
  * Critical Velocity
  * Bernoulli's Principle
  * Application based on Bernoulli's Principle
  * Speed of Efflux - Torricelli's Law
  * Venturi - Meter
  * Blood Flow and Heart Attack
  * Dynamic Lift
  * Problems
  * Introduction
  * Coefficient of Viscosity
  * Stoke's Law
  * Terminal Velocity
  * Reynold's Number
  * Introduction
  * Surface Energy
  * Examples Based on Surface Energy and Surface Tension
  * Angle of Contact
  * Concept of Drops and Bubbles
  * Problem Based on Drops and Bubbles
  * Capillary Rise
  * Calculation of Pressure with the help of Capillary Rise
  * Detegents and Surface Tension

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Thermal Properties of Matter

  * Introduction
  * Temperature and Heat
  * Measurement of Temperature
  * Ideal-Gas Equation and Absolute Temperature
  * Thermometers and the Celsius Temperature Scale
  * the Constant Volume Gas Thermometer and the Absolute Temperature Scale
  * Gas Laws
  * Boyle's Law
  * Charles's Law
  * Ideal-Gas Equation and Absolute Temperature
  * Mean Free Path
  * Avogadro’s Number
  * Degree of Freedom
  * Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas
  * Molar Heat Capacity
  * Thermal Expansion
  * Linear Expansion
  * Volume Expansion
  * Anamalous Expansion of Water
  * Specific Heat Capacity
  * Calorimetry
  * Change of State
  * Latent Heat
  * Heat Transfer
  * Conduction
  * Convection
  * Radiation
  * Blackbody Radiation
  * Greenhouse Effect
  * Newton's Law of Cooling
  * Problems Based on NLC

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  * Introduction
  * Thermal Equilibrium
  * Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
  * Concept of Temperature
  * Heat, Work and Internal Energy
  * First Law of Thermodynamics
  * Heat Transfer
  * Change in Internal Energy
  * Work Done
  * Specific Heat Capacity
  * Thermodynamic State Variables and Equation of State
  * Thermodynamic Processes
  * Quasi-Static Process
  * Adiabatic Process
  * Isochoric Process
  * Isobaric Process   * Cyclic Process
  * Heat Engines
  * Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
  * Second Law of Thermodynamics
  * Applications of Second Law of Thermodynamics
  * in Terms of Entropy
  * Kelvin Plank's Statement
  * Clausius Statement
  * Reversible and Irreversible Processes
  * Carnot Engine and Its Efficiency
  * PV Graph to Calculate Work Done
  * Carnot Engine Problems
  * Refrigerators Problems
  * Insulated Walls Problems
  * PV Graph to Calculate Work Done

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Kinetic Theory of Gases

  * Introduction
  * Molecular Nature of Matter
  * Behaviour of Gases
  * Equation of State of a Perfect Gas
  * Work Done on Compressing a Gas
  * Kinetic Theory of Gases-Assumptions
  * Pressure of an Ideal Gas
  * Kinectic Interpretation of Temperature
  * the Concept of Pressure
  * Kinetic Energy and Temperature: Rms Speed of Gas Molecules
  * Degrees of Freedom
  * Law of Equipartition of Energy
  * Applications to Specific Heat Capacities of Gases
  * Specific Heat Capacity of Water
  * Absorbtion,reflection and Transmission of Heat Radiation
  * Coefficient of Absorbtion
  * Coefficient of Reflection
  * Coefficient of Transmission
  * Athermanous Substances
  * Diathermanous Substances
  * Perfectly Black Body
  * Ferry's Black Body
  * Spectrum of Black Body Radiatiohn in Terms of Wavelength
  * Emissive Power and Absorbtive Power
  * Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation and Theoretical Proof
  * Stefan's Law of Radiation

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  * Periodic motion (time period, frequency, displacement as a function of time)
  * Periodic functions
  * Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M)
  * Simple Harmonic Motion Equations
  * Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M) and uniform circular motion
  * Velocity and acceleration in SHM
  * Force law for SHM
  * Energy and Graphs in SHM
  * Phase Difference Analysis in SHM
  * Oscillation due to spring and force constant
  * Series and Parallel Connection of Springs in SHM
  * Simple Pendulum - Simple pendulum derivation of expression for its time period
  * SHM in an Electrical System
  * Free oscillaions
  * Damped oscillations
  * Forced oscillation and resonance -damping and driving frequency
  * Superposition of Two SHM

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  * Introduction to Waves
  * Transverse and longitudinal waves
  * Amplitude and Displacement
  * Wavelength and angular number
  * Speed of transverse wave on streched string
  * Speed of logitudnal wave
  * Energy and Equation of Waves
  * Superposition of Waves
  * reflection of waves
  * Standing Waves - standing waves in strings and organ pipes
  * Displacement Waves
  * Loudness and Beats - fundamental mode and harmonics
  * Doppler's Effect

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Electric Charges and Fields

  * Conservation of Charge
  * Additivity of Charges
  * Quantisation of Charge
  * Coulomb’s Law - Forces Between Two Point Charges
  * Forces Between Multiple Charges
  * Superposition Principle
  * Continuous Charge Distribution
  * Electric Field: Electric Field Due to a Point Charge
  * Electric Field Due to System of Charges
  * Physical Significance of Electric Field
  * Electric Field Lines
  * Electric Dipole
  * Electric Field Due to a Dipole
  * Physical Significance of Electric Dipole
  * Dipole in Uniform External Field
  * Torque on a Dipole in a Uniform Electric Field
  * Conservation of Charge
  * Additivity of Charges
  * Quantisation of Charge
  * Electric Flux
  * Gauss’s Law and Its Applications to Find Field Due to Infinitely Long Uniformly Charged Straight Wire
  * Uniformly Charged Infinite Plane Sheet
  * Uniformly Charged Thin Spherical Shell

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Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

  * Electric Potential and Its Calculation for a Point Charge
  * Electric Dipole and System of Charges
  * Equipotential Surfaces
  * Potential Due to a Point Charge
  * Potential Due to an Electric Dipole
  * Potential Due to a System of Charges
  * Equipotential Surfaces
  * Relation Between Field and Potential
  * Potential Energy of a System of Charges
  * Potential Energy in an External Field
  * Potential Energy of a System of Two Charges in an External Field
  * Potential Energy of a Dipole in an External Field
  * Electrical Potential Energy of a System of Two Point Charges in an Electrostatic
  * Conductors and Insulators
  * Electrostatics of Conductors
  * Dielectrics and Electric
  * Capacitors and Capacitance
  * Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance
  * a Combination of Capacitors in Series
  * a Combination of Capacitors in Parallel
  * the Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor with and Without Dielectric Medium Between the Plates
  * Energy Stored in a Capacitor
  * Van De Graff Generator

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Electric current through conductors

  * Current Electricity
  * Electric Current
  * Drift Velocity
  * Mobility
  * Ohm’s Law Electrical Resistance,
  * Limitations of Ohms Law
  * Resistances of Different Materials,
  * V-I Characteristics of Ohmic and Non-Ohmic Conductors,Electric current through conductors
  * Electrical Energy and Power,
  * Electrical Resistivity
  * Colour Code for Resistors
  * Series and Parallel Combinations of Resistors;
  * Temperature Dependence of Resistance
  * Electrical Energy, power
  * Combination of Resistors - Series and Parallel
  * Electric Cell and It's Internal Resistance
  * Potential Difference and Emf of a Cell
  * a Combination of Cells in Series and in Parallel

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Moving Charges and Magnetism

  * Concept of magnetic field
  * Oersted’s experiment
  * Biot - Savart law and its application to current carrying circular loop
  * Lines of Force (Flux Lines)-Properties of magnetic lines of force
  * Ampere's law and its derivation
  * Magnetic field of infinitely long straight wire using Ampere's law
  * Magnetic field of Straight and toroidal solenoids
  * Magnetic Force - Sources and Fields
  *  Field Lorentz Force(Fleming’s left hand rule)
  * Force on a current-carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field
  * Force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic and electric fields
  * Motion in Combined Electric and Magnetic fields
  * Cyclotron - Derivation of frequency,limitation of cyclotron
  * force between two parallel current-carrying conductors-definition of ampere
  * Concept of magnetic dipole
  * Torque due to a Dipole in a Magnetic Field
  * Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Revolving electron
  * Moving Coil Galvanometer its current sensitivity
  * Conversion to ammeter and voltmeter

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Magnetism and matter

  * Definition of Magnets and Magnetism in physics
  * Source of Magnetism or Cause of Magnetism
  * Magnetic Poles, Forces, and Fields
  * Magnetic and Electric Fields
  * Electric Charges and Magnetism Different
  * Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid
  * Classes of Magnetic Materials
  * Para-magentic substances dia-magnetic substances and ferro- magnetic substances
  * Permanent Magnets and Electromagnets
  * Electromagnets and factors affecting their strengths
  * Current Loop as a magnetic dipole and dipole moment
  * Dipole moment of bar magnet and coulomb's law in magnetism
  * Important terms in magnetism and magnetic field
  * Torque and work done on a magnetic dipole
  * Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic field
  * Terrestrial magnetism - Components of Earth’s Magnetic Field,Angle of
  * Declination (θ),Angle of Dip or Inclination (δ),Horizontal Component
  * Elements of earth's Magnetism
  * Magnetic materials
  * Magnetic susceptibility
  * Curie's law
  * Hysteresis Loop
  * Energy Loss Due to Hysteresis
  * Properties of Soft and Hard Materials
  * Magnetic field strength or Magnetizing field and its formula
  * Intensity of Magnetization (I or J) and its formula
  * Magnetic Susceptibility and its formula
  * Magnetic Permeability and its formula

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Electromagnetic Induction

  * Electromagnetic Induction
  * Magnetic Flux - Positive and negative flux,magnetic flux density,ways by which magnetic flux can be varied
  * Faraday's experiment - Induced EMF and current
  * Faradays law of electromagnetic induction - Theoritical concept,derivation
  * Direction of Induced EMF: Lenz's Law
  * Motional EMF: A cause of Magnetic flux change
  * Induced Electric Fields
  * Inductance
  * Self Inductance
  * Energy in an inductor
  * Growth and decay of current in L-R circuit
  * The R-C circuit - Decay of current
  * The L-C circuit - Decay of current
  * Mutual Inductance
  * Eddy current
  * Device Application based on Electromagnetic Induction - Electrical Transformers,Electrical Generators,Induction Cookers,Electromagnetic Flow Meters,Musical Instruments
  * Induced emf due to circular disk

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Alternating Current

  * Alternating Current Introduction,defintion of frequency,amplitude,time period
  * Different Forms of a.c. emf,Peak and RMS value of alternating current/voltage
  * Phase of An A. C. Quantity,Reactance and impedance
  * Effective Virtual or R. M. S. value of a Quantity
  * Mean or Average Value of an Alternating Quantity
  * Form Factor
  * Representation of AC Current and Voltage by Rotating Vectors
  * A.C. Circuit containing Resistance Only (Resistive Circuit)
  * A.C. Circuit Containing Inductor Only (Inductive Circuit)
  * A.C. Circuit Containing Capacitance Only (Capacitive Circuit)
  * Resistance and inductance in series A. C. Circuit
  * Resistance and Capacitance in Series A. C. Circuit
  * RLC Series A. C. Circuit
  * Series resonance circuit
  * LCR-parallel circuit at resonance
  * Quality factor (q)-formula ,for different types of circuits
  * Step up and Step down Transformers
  * Efficiency of a Transformer
  * AC generator and transformer
  * Resonance
  * Power in AC circuits
  * Wattless current

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Electromagnetic wave

  * Electromagnetic wave
  * Speed of electromagnetic wave
  * Equation of plane progressive electromagnetic wave
  * Production Of Electromagnetic waves - Hertz experiment
  * Properties of elctromagnetic wave
  * Displacement current
  * Ampere- Maxwell law
  * Maxwell’s Equations
  * Modified Ampere-Maxwell Law
  * Right Hand Rule:
  * Average electric energy density
  * Average magnetic energy density
  * Intensity of electromagnetic Wave
  * Total radiant flux (Power),radiant flux density
  * Poynting vector
  * Electromagnetic spectrum (consists of EM waves of all frequencies)
  * Propagation of Electromagnetic Spectrum
  * Electromagnetic Spectrum
  * Layer of Atmosphere,green house effect
  * Polarization
  * Intensity

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Ray Optics

  * Introduction to Ray Optics
  * Introduction of Light as Ray,laws of Reflection
  * Reflection by Plane Mirror
  * Lateral Inversion
  * Two Identical Plane Mirrors
  * Concave Mirror
  * "Convex Mirror - Radius of Curvature®,principal Focus,focal Plane,focal Length (F),relation Between Focal Length and Radius of Curvature:-,F = R/2"
  * Mirror Formula
  * Relative Positions, Size and Nature of Image as Object Is Brought from Infinity to the Pole of a Concave Mirror
  * Magnification,image Formed by Concave and Convex Mirror
  * Newton’s Formula
  * Laws of Refraction,refractive Index of the Medium,factors Affecting
  * Refractive Index
  * Transmission of Wave
  * Image Due to Refraction at a Plane Surface, Apparent Shift
  * Lateral Shift , Apparent Shift
  * Total Internal Reflection (Tir),critical Angle
  * Refraction at a Single Spherical Surface When Light Travelling from Medium of  * Refractive Index μ1 (Rarer) to That of Refractive Index μ2 (Denser)
  * Refraction at a Single Spherical Surface When Light Travelling from Medium of Refractive Index μ2 (Denser) to That of   * Refractive Index μ1(rarer)
  * Lenses and Types- Converging,diverging,radius of Curvature®,principal
  * Focus,focal Plane,focal Length (F)
  * Thin Lens Formula,lensmaker’s Formula,magnification,power of a Lens
  * Equivalent Focal Length of Two Lenses Separated by Distance D
  *  Focal Length of Lens-Mirror Combination
  * Focal Length by Displacement Method
  * Refraction Through a Thin Double Convex Lens When the Medium on the Two Sides of the Lens Is Same (Lens Maker’s Formula)
  * Refraction Through a Thin Double Convex Lens When the Medium Situated on the Two Sides of the Lens Is Different
  * Double Concave Lens
  * Combination of Two Convex Lenses in Contact
  * Power of a Lens:
  * Refraction Through a Prism
  * Refraction Through a Prism for Small Angle of Incidence
  * Dispersion of Light Through a Prism.
  * Angular Dispersion,dispersive Power
  * Scattering of Light - Blue Colour of Sky and Reddish Appearance of the Sun at Sunrise and Sunset
  * Simple Microscope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers
  * Compound Microscope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers
  * Astronomical Telescope
  * Galilean Telescope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers
  * Terrestrial Telescope
  * Resolving Power of Microscope and Telescope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers

Mock MCQ Videos

Wave optics

  * Wavefront and Its Types - Spherical ,Cylindrical and Plane Wavefront
  * Huygen's Principle,drawbacks of Huygens Wave Theory
  * Determination of Phase Difference
  * Proof of Laws of Reflection and Refraction Using Huygen's Principle
  * Reflection on the Basis of Wave Theory
  * Refraction on the Basis of Wave Theory
  * Interference
  * Principle of Superposition
  * Displacement Equation,amplitude,intensity,maxima,minima
  * Condition for Constructive Interferenc
  * Condition for Destructive Interference:-
  * Coherent Sources
  * Conditions for Interference
  * Interference of Light Waves and Young's Double Slit Experiment
  * Conditions for Maximum & Minimum Intensity
  * Position of Fringe,spacing or Fringe Width,displacement of Fringes Due to the Introduction of a Thin Transparent Medium:
  * Conditions for Sustained Interference,conditions for Good Observation of Fringe
  * Conditions for Good Contrast of Fringe
  * Distribution of Intensities
  * Coherence and Its Types- Spatial and Temporal
  * Methods of Obtaining Coherent Sources-By Division of Wavefront ,By Division of Amplitude.
  * Incoherence of Two Conventional Light Sources
  * Introduction,optical Path ,Mirror Arrangement
  * Interference Due to Reflected Light
  * Interference Due to Transmitted Light
  * Introduction and Newton's Rings by Reflected Light
  * Newton's Rings by Transmitted Light
  * Introduction and Concept of Central Maximum
  * Fraunhofer Diffraction by Single Slit
  * Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Circular Aperture
  * Difference Between Interference and Diffraction of Light
  * Introduction
  * Polarization by Reflection (Brewster’s Law)
  * Law of Malus
  * Uses of Plane Polarised Light and Polaroids
  * Simple Microscope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers
  * Compound Microscope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers
  * Astronomical Telescope
  * Galilean Telescope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers
  * Terrestrial Telescope
  * Resolving Power of Microscope and Telescope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers
  * Doppler’s Effect for Light Waves

Mock MCQ Videos

Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

  * Introduction and Cathode Rays
  * Discharge Tube Experiments
  * Properties of Cathode Ray
  * J.j. Thomson’s E/m Value of Electron
  * Millikan’s Oil Drop Method for E/m
  * Emission of Electron and Its Types - Thermionic Emission,field Emission,photoelectric Emission
  * Effect of Collector’s Potential on Photoelectric Current
  * Effect of Intensity of Light,effect of Frequency of Light
  * Laws of Photoelectricity
  * Einstein’s Equation of Photoelectric Effect
  * Various Graphs Related to Photoelectric Effect
  * Hertz and Lenard’s observations
  * Introductio to De-Broglie Equation
  * Wavelength of Matter Waves Associated with Accelerated Charged Particles
  * Introduction and Bragg’s Equation
  * Explanation of Bohr’s Quantum Condition
  * Introduction
  * Conservation of Energy
  * Conservation of Momentum
  * X-Rays - Properties of X-Rays,continuous and Characteristic X-Rays
  * Wavelength of X-Rays (Duane Hunt Law)
  * Types of X-Rays
  * Moseley’s Law,absorption of X-Rays
  * Fluorescence,phosphorescence
  * Application of X-Rays

Mock MCQ Videos


  * Introduction
  * J.j. Thomson’s E/m Value of Electron
  * Millikan’s Oil Drop Method for E/m
  * Finding,conclusion and result
  * Bohr’s Atomic Model
  * Bohr’s Theory of Atom
  * Radius of Electron,kinetic Energy of the Electron,total Energy,frequency, Wavelength and Wave Number of Radiation
  * Bohr’s Theory of Hydrogen Atom,rydberg’s Constant
  * Limitations of Bohr's Model
  * Energy Levels Concept
  * Significant Figures
  * Hydrogen spectrum - Lines of spectra of hydrogen atom and wavelength of hydrogen atom

Mock MCQ Videos


  * Some Important Facts About Atomic Mass, Size and Composition of Nucleus
  * Isotopes,isobars and Isotones
  * Mass Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy
  * Binding Energy Per Nucleon
  * Nuclear Force and Its Characterstics
  * Radioactivity Alpha, Beta and Gamma Particles/rays and Their Properties
  * Features of Radioactivity
  * Radioactive Decay Law
  * Half-Life of a Radioactive Substance
  * Mean Life of a Radioactive Substance
  * Different Types of Radioactive Element
  * Radioactive Equilibrium,carbon Dating
  * Nuclear Fission (By Otto Hahn and Strassmann)-Uncontrolled Chain Reaction
  * Critical Mass
  * "Nuclear Fusion - Nuclear Holocaust,radiation Hazards"

Mock MCQ Videos

Semiconductors devices and circuits

  * Introduction and Introduction to Solids
  * Properties of Crystalline Solids,properties of Amorphous Solids,crystal Lattice,lattice Vectors,lattice Parameters,unit Cell,crystal System,characteristics of the Unit Cell of a Cubic System
  * Energy Bands in Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators
  * Explanation of Conductor,insulator and Semiconductor with the Help of Energy Band Diagram
  * Comparison Between Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators
  * Introduction and Its Types - Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor
  * Fermi Energy and Mass Action Law
  * Concept of P-N Junction Diode
  * Diffusion and Drift Current
  * I-V Characteristics in Forward and Reverse Bias,resistance in diode-static and dynamic
  * Diode as a Rectifier - Some Important Results of Half-Wave and Full-Wave Rectifier
  * Hall Effect
  * Led
  * Photodiode
  * Solar Cell
  * Zener and Avalanche Breakdown
  * Zener Diode and Their Characteristics, Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulato
  * Introduction and Components of Transistor,biasing of Transistor
  * Working of Transistor,configurations of Transistor
  * Transistor as an Amplifier
  * Comparative Study of Cb, Ce and Cc Amplifier
  * Logic Gates (Or, And, Not, Nand and Nor).
  * Binary Numbers and Decimal Numbers - Decimal to Binary,binary to Decimal
  * Demorgan Theorems,some Basic Boolean Identities

Mock MCQ Videos

Communication Systems

  * Basic Block Diagram of a Communication System
  * Block Diagram of High Level Broadcast Transmitter -Basic Function of Each Block
  * Block Diagram of Superheterodyne Receiver-Basic Function of Each Block
  * Different Layers of Atmosphere and Their Interaction with the Propagating Electromagnetic Waves
  * Types of Wave Propagation - Surface Wave Propagation,space Wave Propagation,sky-Wave Propagation
  * Concept of Modulation
  * Modulation Is Done in Two Ways
  * Amplitude Modulation (AM)-Equation of AM,modulation Index,method of Modulation and Demodulation,spectrum of AM,limitations and Applications
  * Frequency Modulation (FM)-Equation of FM,modulation Index,method of Modulation and Demodulation,spectrum of FM,limitations and Applications
  * Side-Band and Bandwidth
  * Bandwidth of Signals (Speech, TV and Digital Data)
  * Bandwidth of Transmission Medium
  * Basic Ideas About Internet, Mobile Telephony and Global Positioning System (GPS).

Mock MCQ Videos

Current Electricity

  * Introduction
  * Kirchhoffs Laws and Their Applications Numerical based on different types of circuit to find current and voltage with the help of KVL and KCL
  * Wheatstone Bridge
  * Metre Bridge
  * Galvanometer and Voltmeter
  * Potentiometer – Principle and Its Applications

Mock MCQ Videos

Centre of mass

  * center of mass,position of center of mass
  * Two mass system,types of densities
  * Center of gravity center of mass of semi circular ring
  * Basic concepts
  * Center of mass part of different objects
  * Conservation of linear momentum
  * Coefficient restitution
  * Perfectly inelastic collision
  * impulse
  * Find veloctiy of balls

Mock MCQ Videos

Uniform circular motion

  * Introduction
  * Angular Displacement and Velocity
  * Angular Accelaration
  * Angular Velocity Example
  * Centrifugal Force
  * Uniform Circular Motion
  * Conical Pendulum
  * Maximum Speed on Curve Road
  * Banking Of Road And Deathwell

Mock MCQ Videos
